More Than $75 Million Recovered For Our Clients

A Leading Injury Lawyer For Victims Of Catastrophic Injuries

Even in cases of brain injury, spinal cord injury and other catastrophic injuries, insurance companies will do what they can to reduce or deny compensation to the victim. At The Gaudreau Law Firm, we are here to stand up to the insurance company on your behalf — and help you and your family get the financial compensation you need to move forward.

Attorney Kenneth D. L. Gaudreau is one of the Eastern Shore’s leading personal injury attorneys. He has secured more than $75 million for his clients. Attorney Gaudreau and our dedicated staff are here to help you, too.

For a free consultation, please call us in Salisbury at 667-253-3540 or complete our contact form. The Gaudreau Law Firm serves clients from Ocean City to the Bay Bridge and throughout Maryland.

Don’t Let The Insurance Company Take Advantage Of You

Attorney Kenneth D. L. Gaudreau has more than 35 years of experience. He has seen every type of serious injury, and he can recognize a “lowball” settlement offer from an insurance company. In most cases, the insurance company makes a settlement offer that comes nowhere close to covering the full cost of a catastrophic injury. Don’t let the insurance company take advantage of you. Let us fight for you to make the insurance company do the right thing and pay you for all the harm the injury has caused.

Insurance companies are aware of Attorney Gaudreau’s reputation for winning in court. This works to our clients’ advantage. Because insurance companies know we mean business, they often agree to sizeable out-of-court settlements just to avoid losing to Attorney Gaudreau at trial.

We encourage you to contact The Gaudreau Law Firm today if you or someone you love has suffered any of the following types of injuries:

  • Traumatic brain injuries
  • Spinal cord injuries
  • Burn injuries
  • Broken bones
  • Amputations

We represent people who have been injured in many types of accidents, including car accidents, trucking accidents, dog bites, slip-and-fall accidents and work-related accidents. We also represent families who have lost loved ones due to wrongful death.

We understand that this is a difficult time for you. We are here to help alleviate your burdens and fight for the financial compensation you need in the aftermath of a life-changing injury. Don’t wait. Put The Gaudreau Law Firm on your side today.

Contact Us For A Free Consultation

Our primary office is in Salisbury, and we serve clients from Ocean City to the Bay Bridge and throughout Maryland. To set up a free consultation, please call 667-253-3540 or complete our contact form. We are here to help you.